Funeral episode I assume. Apparently, Lorelai's mother, Emily, can tell jokes after telling the two girls that an unknown person who is of no relation, has died. Lorelai can't go and Rory just watches in amusement. Emily also can joke about knowing a Nazi. In their home, mother and daughter bicker about baked goods as Lane Kim rocks out in Rory's room. As they leave for their days, their very unusual neighbors are taking their cat, Cinnamon, on a walk. Small towns are something.
Dean, I think I mentioned him a few episodes back, sees Rory getting on a public bus and gets on himself. Small conversation, Rory can't seem to relax. I'll admit the guy is cute. He hops off the bus while it is still in town. Mild embarassing behavior from Rory here. Parents should really assist their offspring into being comfortable talking to the opposite sex. Or maybe just watch them crash and burn.
Michel is a French concierge who doesn't like other insufferable French business men. Who knew there would be business conducted in Stars Hollow. At the Chilton bake thing, Sookie nearly burns a table and Mr. Medina attempts to get with Lorelai by making his case on how he is a good teacher and will do everything to make her pass. He then asks Lorelai on a date or coffee. Lorelai is just at bad at flirting with a good looking guy but at least she got a date.
Rory badly makes her way through town with Lane just to stop by the local store that Dean is working at. So, she can avoid him and bump into Miss Patty that is into sensual fruits and sex... I kinda like this weird woman. But the new assistance manager doesn't like her at all. He threatens to call the cops on her if she eats without paying again. Of course, Rory buys a lettuce and barely speaks to Dean in the most flustered way. Lorelai, however, goes for the coffee and discusses with Max Medina about whether or not they should date. I'm bored. Dating before smart phones is extra awkward. He breaks her down by telling her a cute story about his uncle's love. She says maybe to the date. In true form of every woman, Lorelai and Sookie talk about Lorelai's situation as they eat at Luke's. Actually, Sookie gets behind the counter and kinda fixes everyones plate until Luke catches her.
Welp, Cinnamon is dead. His owners, Babette and Morey, are besides themselves and have a wake. Michel isn't ammused and neither am I. Sookie and Luke both bring food, each having their own way of doing things. Dean shows up and Rory is extra weird about him. Is she holding her breath? Max Medina shows up for his date, Rory finds out as she watches from Babette's house the whole interaction. He thinks she's making things up. I would too. This is all very weird. Let's ties everything up please: Sookie and Luke work things out, assistant manager apologizes to Miss Patty, and Babette talks about how we will have to move on and figure out who you are without taking care of someone else. Babette freaks over loosing Morey, which hasn't happened. The town gathers as Morey plays Cinnamon's song. Rory is outside contemplating her horrible flirting techniques when she is disturbed by Dean who apologizes for bothering her. He thought she was interested but her flirtatious technique made him think otherwise. Just as he turns to leave, Rory tells him that she's interested then runs off. Yikes. Or Aww.
Lorelai finds Rory and explains that she is going on a date with Rory's date. Argument happens and I agree it is weird that Lorelai wants to date her teacher. Lorelai promises not to keep anything from her and tell her what ever she is thinking. Whatever. Emily flips her lid when she finds out that Lorelai and Rory went to a cat's funeral and not this other persons funeral. Rory and Lorelai work out the whole issue about dating teachers.
I think this might be my last viewing of this show. I don't think I will make it to the final season.